Request A Donation For Lakeside Youth
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Request A Donation For Lakeside Youth


Please email (Only) to be placed on the agenda to request a donation for Youth of Lakeside.

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Donations of funds, goods and services by the non profit El Capitan Stadium Association and Lakeside Rodeo are solely for the benefit of the Youth of Lakeside.
**Funds donated by the nonprofit El Capitan Stadium to Lakeside Youth during the period of March 2018 December, 2021: $330,000

To request to be placed on the Agenda at a ECSA Meeting or for funding questions, please contact the ECSA Secretary

Requesting a Donation for The Youth of Lakeside

The El Capitan Stadium Association (ECSA) is a non profit organization chartered to benefit

the Youth of Lakeside, CA.

ECSA additionally conducts business under a trademarked name, "Lakeside Rodeo".

Per our charter, we provide grants, donations, scholarships, services and facility donations that will only directly benefit the Youth of Lakeside.
This is defined as Youth aged 18 and younger who attend school and/or reside in Lakeside, CA.

If your request in general includes youth outside of the Lakeside, CA community, please adjust your financial request or services presentation to only reflect the amount or services that will directly benefit the Youth of Lakeside.

**We will not offer grants to individuals or groups for religious or political purposes
**We do not fund transportation costs
**We do not fund salaries
**We do fund admission and/or registration fees
**We will not support organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation
**We will not endorse a political candidate

When does the Association meet to consider request?

The El Capitan Stadium Association (ECSA/Lakeside Rodeo) General Membership meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM PST in the Lakeside Rodeo Hall located at 12584 Mapleview St., Lakeside CA 92040. Exceptions to the regular meeting schedule annually occur in April, May and December. All request for donations and services must be presented at a General Membership meeting. No request for grants, donations, scholarships or services will be accepted via email or postal mail.

Who may present a request for Grants, Donations to include goods and services and/or Facility Donation?

It is preferred that requests for assistance be made by one or more youth representative(s) of the petitioning organizations, youth groups and that they are accompanied by parents, teachers, leaders, and/or administrators. There is no limit on the number of group members who wish to appear in support of the youth presenters in the meeting. In the event that a youth cannot present the request, please have the adult representative state the reason why there are no youth presenting during his/her opening statements.

Is there a dollar limit on what I may request?

The General Membership will hear each presentation individually and vote whether to fund or decline each one based on how the request will benefit the Youth of Lakeside. We have funded large requests many times in our history because it would expansively benefit the Youth of Lakeside.
The Association reserves the right to decline to fund any request for any reason.

How do I or my group arrange to make a request?

Contact the El Capitan Stadium Association Secretary at least 3 weeks prior to the meeting you wish to present your request at. You may contact the Secretary by email at Please leave a detailed message with your name, your contact information, and the nature of your request. The Secretary will contact you to arrange your meeting date and time. If you are unable to appear as scheduled, please notify the Secretary at your earliest convenience.

Presenting Your Request at the Scheduled Meeting

Once you have been approved by the Association Secretary to be placed on the Bi-monthly agenda for a specific meeting date, you must bring the following items with you for your presentation:

* I
f you are representing a group or entity from a LSUSD school, you must have a letter from the Principal to present to the Secretary at the meeting stating his/her awareness of your request of the Committee.

* If you are presenting for the LSUSD Main Office, you must have a letter from the Superintendent stating his/her awareness of your request.

* If you are presenting for a Lakeside Youth sports group or Youth community group, your governing board or leadership must provide a letter stating they are aware of your request. In lieu of a letter, your governing representatives may attend the meeting and be part of your presentation.

Requesting Funds or services for Multiple Items or Events

Each of your items you are requesting must have been discussed with the scheduling secretary prior to your presentation date AND each item you are requesting must be presented as a separate request during your presentation. Do not add on additional items to your request unless you have discussed your need with Scheduling Secretary and the addition has been approved.


For EACH product or service you are requesting, when possible, you should have 2 to 3 detailed and printed bids for item(s)
In the event you do not have bids, or are required to only use specific District approved vendors, please explain in your presentation.

Bring Multiple Copies of Presentation Packet to Hand Out to Voting Membership

Bring 35 copies of your total request packet which you will hand out to the committee at the beginning of your presentation. The presentation packet should include a cover letter stating your group's name, address, the products/items requested, goods and/or services requested and the total $ amount for all items and services that you are asking for. Attach all bids to the cover letter.

No Bids

In the event that you do not have bids, please detail your request in the body of your cover letter/handout and include the total $ amount your are requesting or what services you are asking for.


It is always preferred that youth members of your organization present the request(s). Advisors, teachers, leaders are encouraged to be part of the presentation but the balance of the presentation should be given by youth requesting assistance. Youth presenters may incorporate music, dance, art, song, or other entertaining elements into their presentation if they would like.
You should have someone available to hand out your presentation packets as you begin your presentation or arrange upon arrival for a Member to assist you in handing out your packet (they are happy to assist you).

Presentation Time Limit

Please keep the presentation to 5 minutes, if possible.

Questions From Membership

Voting membership are given the opportunity to ask your group or representative questions about the request(s).

Some typical questions are:
1) What is your priority of items in your request (which are most important)?
2) What other fundraising activities has your group or requestor engaged in to earn funds toward your cause?
3) What other sources of support have you applied to (other civic groups, District, sponsors)?
4) How many Lakeside Youth (students, athletes, performers) will benefit from your request?
5) When do you need your request funded?
6) Will the item(s) stay at the school?
7) Will the item(s) be used by class year after year?
8) Can you ensure that the funds we are considering to donate will be used solely for the Youth of Lakeside?
9) Will your group be willing to volunteer at the Rodeo Grounds, most likely during Rodeo weekend in April? (note: we encourage youth to volunteer so that they are aware where the funds we donated are earned)

After Presentation

You are welcome to stay after your presentation to sit through our general business meeting for the balance of the evening. We vote on requests at the end of our meeting.

Notification of Request Results

You will be contacted by the Association Secretary within 24 hours following your request presentation to notify you of decisions, donations or additional information needed by the Voting Membership.

How Are Approved Funds Disbursed?

Checks for approved financial request are processed by on the Wednesday following the meeting in which the funds were approved. The checks are then mailed to requestor, or requestor's organization. If funds are needed quickly, please advise the Association Secretary when he/she calls you with your award notification.

For additional questions or concerns you may have regarding your presentation, please email Association Secretary, at or call (619) 561-4331.

The El Capitan Stadium Association (Lakeside Rodeo) is a Non-Profit 501 c 3.
Working Together to Benefit the Youth of Lakeside.
12584 Mapleview St., Lakeside, CA 92040     619-561-4331
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