Lakeside Rodeo's (ECSA) Why We Do What We Do
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Lakeside Rodeo's (ECSA) Why We Do What We Do

Why We Do What We Do And What We Need To Do


What measurable change are you striving to achieve in the long-term?
• To provide access and funding to Lakeside Youth for basics of education, youth skills training, and cultural enhancements such as youth arts, youth sports, youth community organizations, and youth agricultural organizations which will positively affect 6,000+ Lakeside students to include low-income families, students with disabilities, and assist educators in reducing the rate of education drop out.


What measurable change are you striving to achieve in the short-term?
What would indicate that you are progressing toward your goal?
• All Lakeside youth have measureable and equal access to educational tools and socially supportive resources.
• Mental and physical health improvement among Lakeside youth.
• Youth with disabilities equally receive the assistance they need in both education and socially supportive activities to enjoy their education and thrive.
• Biweekly donations granted to fulfill educator, youth leader, and youth requests.


What tangibles can you measure immediately?
• Funds gained through the production of the annual Lakeside Rodeo
• Outgoing donation of funds to educators, youth leaders, youth facilities, and youth organizations
• Facility and technology support in both Lakeside Union School District and at El Capitan High School
• Annual scholarships and encouragement awards granted by the El Capitan Stadium Association


What high-level steps are required to run the program?
• Create income opportunities at Lakeside Rodeo Grounds to garner funds to donate to the youth of Lakeside; increase rentals of facility
• Identify school locations and student population in Lakeside highly impacted by lack of resources
• Communicate with youth leaders and educators to identify needs


What resources (staff, money, technology, etc.) does the program require to be successful?
• Capital to expand and maintain the financial portfolio
• Seek sponsors to join in as partners to expand financial portfolio
• Staff to coordinate grounds administration such as cleaning, rentals, and improvements
• Facility improvement to include:
o Replace bleachers
o Enhance and increase handicap seating capability
o Replace snack bars 1, 2, & 3
o Enhance Wi-Fi throughout the grounds
o Remodel main hall to include enhanced kitchen facility
o Investigate additional spectator parking in conjunction with rodeo grounds

Donate Today and Join in Helping To Improve the Lives of The Youth of Lakeside

Your Tax Deductible Donation Directly Benefits the Youth

A registered 501c3, the non profit El Capitan Stadium Association does business as the Lakeside Rodeo dedicated to benefiting the youth of Lakeside, CA.

All personnel on the grounds throughout the year are volunteers, as there are no regular paid employees. Volunteers from the community maintain the facility, liaison events and man the annual rodeo to ensure that all proceeds are available to donate to the Youth of Lakeside...

Your donation will ensure that the arts, youth sports, educational support, youth community groups and kids health will continue to thrive in Lakeside, CA....

Thanks to our sponsors, our donors, our events, our volunteers and our community, annual donations to the Youth of Lakeside exceed $100,000+ annually.

Please complete the Become a Sponsor Form below or call (619) 561-4331 and request that an Association representative return your call to discuss the many ways your tax deductible donation will make a difference in a child's life....
The El Capitan Stadium Association (Lakeside Rodeo) is a Non-Profit 501 c 3.
Working Together to Benefit the Youth of Lakeside.
12584 Mapleview St., Lakeside, CA 92040     619-561-4331
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