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2025 Lakeside Rodeo Talent And Rodeo Events

2025 Lakeside Rodeo Talent Line Up

2023 PRCA Announcer: Reed Flake
2023 PRCA Music Director: Amy Flake
2022 Rodeo Clown & Barrelman: Kevin Higley
Stock Contractor: Western Rodeo
Pre-performance Entertainer: Danny "Buffalo Chip" Alvernaz
PRCA Photographer(s): Andrea Kaus
PRCA Judges: TBA
PRCA Bull Fighters: TBA
Pick Up Men: TBA

Reed Flake, 2023 Lakeside Rodeo Announcer

PRCA Announcer Reed Flake Joins the 2021 Lakeside Rodeo

PRCA Music Director @Lakeside Rodeo_ Amy Flake

Amy Flake is the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) Music Director (Sound) at the Lakeside Rodeo. Amy and the Lakeside Rodeo Announcer, Reed Flake, are married and Amy shared how she became involved in the production side of rodeo.

Amy was a paramedic and she found herself working long days on shift... and often when she was not on shift Reed would be away at a rodeo as he built up his Announcer's experience, often trying to call the rodeo and do sound production by himself. Amy decided to take the lead on Sound and through hard work and training Amy earned her PRCA Music Director's card which is a mark of top-notch professionalism in rodeo.

How many songs and sound effects does Amy have?

Amy shared that in her "rodeo toolbox" she has several thousands of hours of music, songs, and sound effects". Amy does listen to the radio constantly, but it is always with the thought of..."how the song playing will work with the arena action... hmmm, it would be good here".

How does she choose music?

When asked how she chose songs and sound effects for a rodeo, Amy said, "Music is a form of communication (with the spectators and contestants), and it changes with every rodeo because every rodeo town is different, has a unique flavor".

Most people are not aware that production personnel arrive a few days before the rodeo starts and this gives them time to get to know the town, the people, the rodeo committee, and helps them begin to create a wonderful sound package just for that event. But is the music just all pre-choreographed, we asked? "No, I have to pay (constant) attention to the Announcer and to the arena. Because timing and arena action changes in a split second, so will my music and sounds effects choices. It is a rollercoaster ride through the whole rodeo, and it is a privilege to be involved, to help people feel the emotions!" As a truly seasoned sound person, Amy shares that she can now do the job with her back turned to the arena as she can recognize the actions based on sounds and the Announcer's words.

So how do the announcer and Music Director communicate?

No set cues, it simply comes down to Amy being hyper aware of what Reed is saying as he calls the action, the action out of the chutes or gates, and immediately responding with a fun sound... Amy shared that she does have a personal goal during a rodeo performance... "I know that, if I can get Reed to laugh at something (with a sound effect or song), I've done good because Reed is the ultimate prankster!"

So, although Amy and Reed travel to rodeos most weeks, what do they do when not on the road?

"Reed is a Jack of all trades, a hard worker, and he lends a helping hand where needed. Our oldest son, Skyler owns 4 semi-trucks, so Reed is always busy." They also have 2 more children who are married and enjoying great careers from Entrepreneur to Ranch Foreman. Along with their wonderful sons and daughter and their wonderful spouses, Amy and Reed are also blessed with their own small herd of amazing grandchildren. Amy spends time with family, playing with her grandkids, and in her garden… and of course she has to keep up her end of ‘being the quiet prankster in the family” and trying to make Reed laugh every day. She shares that they have a very active Youtube Channel and vlog, which means Amy also spends many, many hours every week editing videos (she has a part time co-editor to supervise too) as well as responding to their growing legion of fans who communicate and message because their fans truly matter to Reed and Amy.

Give Amy a Thumbs ups and a wave!

As you sit in the bleachers at the rodeo performance, stomping your feet to the rockin’ music, cheering when the rider hangs on for 8 seconds, or groaning as you hear the buzzer as the rider dismounts before time, remember to look up at the Announcers Booth in the tallest structure above the chutes and give a big ol’ wave to Amy, your Fantastic Music Director for the Lakeside Rodeo!

Rodeo Performance Facts

Photo by Kate Cunningham

The 8 Events of Lakeside's Professional Rodeo

  1. Bareback
  2. Steer Wrestling
  3. Team Roping
  4. Saddle Bronc
  5. Tie-Down Roping
  6. Barrel Racing
  7. Bull Riding
  8. Breakaway
The seven events can be broken down into two categories; the roughstock or judged events are bareback, saddle bronc, and bull riding.
The timed events are steer wrestling, barrel racing, tie-down and team roping.

Scoring of Timed Events

Timed events of steer wrestling, barrel racing, tie-down and team roping use stopwatches and timing devices to track the times for each event, and the lowest time wins. All the timed events, except barrel racing use a barrier, which is strung across the roping chutes that the horse and rider exit from at the start of their competition. This makes the event more challenging as the barrier prevents the competitor from getting too much of a head start on the livestock. "Breaking the barrier" too soon results in a time penalty in each event except in barrel racing.

Barrel racers enter the arena at a fast speed past a timing device. The ultimate goal of a successful barrel racing run is to negotiate the cloverleaf pattern in the fastest time without knocking over any of the three strategically placed barrels. A tipped barrel adds five seconds to the rider's final time, and any deviation from the cloverleaf pattern results in a no score.

Scoring of Roughstock Events

Scoring for the roughstock events is the same for bareback, saddle bronc and bull riding, although different criteria exist for judging the animals in each of these events. All cowboys competing in the roughstock events must use only one hand to ride and if the rider touches himself or the animal with the rider's free hand the judges will call a disqualification and the rider gets a "no score".

To receive a score, a cowboy must make a qualified 8 second ride. Once the buzzer sounds and there is no disqualification, the ride receives a score given by 2 official Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association judges. Scores are given to both the competitor and the animal. Each judge scores 1-25 points for the cowboy and 1-25 points for the animal, with a maximum score being 100 points or a perfect ride.

Daily Performance Schedule_The Slip Sheet

The daily schedule of rodeo arena events and assigned riders per performance is not available until the day of the actual performance.

That schedule is called a "Slip Sheet". You will receive a free performance Slip Sheet at the gates when you enter the rodeo arena for seating.

The Slip Sheet is not produced prior to the day of the performance because contestants can cancel their entry up to the day of competition. Cancellation of participation by a competitor is called a "turn out".

Each of the performances will feature the full 7 events of rodeo (see below).

The contestants per each event in a performance are different as contestants traditionally ride and then leave to travel to another rodeo, trying to fit in as many rides in a weekend that they can to make money and qualify for the annual National Finals Rodeo.

The stock, the animal athletes, are traditionally fresh for each performance.

Interested in being a sponsor of the Slip Sheet? Call (619) 561-4331 and ask for a Lakeside Rodeo sponsor rep to return your call.

Joe ButlerPRCA Bullfighter_ See You in 2025!

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Joe Butler, PRCA Bullfighter, of AppleValley, California, since 2003.

Bullfighter Joe Butler has been in the rodeo arena keeping bull riders safe for a long time. Butler confides that many people think bullfighters are crazy. Joe believes that you have to be able to understand and read livestock. Being able to read situations is key to safety. You’ve got to be able to read situations,” he said. Professional bullfighters work as a team and unspoken communication between them is essential to doing a good job." -Joe Butler-

Photo credit link:

Joe Butler _PRCA Bullfighter

Joe Butler _ PRCA Bullfighter

Joe Butler _ PRCA Bullfighter

Watch this great video of Joe talking about being a bullfighter!
Click here

Western Rodeo Company, Stock Contractor

Western Rodeo Company, led by Mr. Ted Groene, will once again be the featured stock contractor for the 2020 Lakeside Rodeo.
Outstanding stock, professional crews and a dedication to the sport of rodeo is what sets Western Rodeo Company above the rest!

Ted Groene

Ted Groene was born in 1961 and raised near Clayton, Calif., which is located northeast of the Bay Area. That area of the state all the way down the Central Coast is known for cattle and ranching. According to Groene, the area has a large cowboy population.

And Groene is definitely a cowboy. He grew up around horses all his life, was involved in 4H and as a freshman in high school, he got involved with the rodeo team, where he immediately took to bullfighting.

In fact, he fought bulls from 1979 to 1994. His bullfighting career ended as the PBR was just beginning, so he mainly fought at PRCA events throughout his career.

In 1993, he was 32 years old when he had a bull hook him in the face. He ruptured his right eye and crushed the eye socket. And while that injury put an end to his bullfighting career, he had already long since been involved on the production side of the sport. He had been working nearly fulltime for Western Rodeo during the week and working with Robinson - as far back as the mid-80s - when he wasn't fighting bulls.

Ted Groene said, "... I think being around the livestock, handling the livestock, being with it and working it made me a better bullfighter because you could get to reading the livestock better. You could read livestock and a lot of guys can't really do that.

"If you can read livestock, it puts you in a better position."

Western Rodeo will definitely be bringing top quality stock to the 2018 Lakeside Rodeo, producing an fast paced, professional event for each of the 4 performances.

Kevin Higley, PRCA Rodeo Clown

Rodeo Photo Gallery

The El Capitan Stadium Association (Lakeside Rodeo) is a Non-Profit 501 c 3.
Working Together to Benefit the Youth of Lakeside.
12584 Mapleview St., Lakeside, CA 92040     619-561-4331
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